

編纂的工作首要是在C.B・羅林森博士的監視下進行,這使我本來雜亂無章 翻譯文字終於能顯得心曠神怡 翻譯社我還要非分特別感謝H.S・克羅克公司的羅伯特・B・塔蒙茲師長教師,是他協助解決了書本內容分派的手藝困難 翻譯社這部作品能夠散發出充分的文學之美亦有賴於M.M・薩克斯頓師長教師,他耐心地凝聽完全部初稿,也多虧他能負責清算索引。插丹青家奧古斯都・納普 翻譯盡心盡力令本書得已彩色印刷問世,他的妙筆下 翻譯各種美麗且工整地作品都有被收錄在書中 翻譯社克羅克公司的弗雷德里克・E・基斯特師長教師掌舵著印刷方面的工作,他對本書的熱情已顯現在其與即便是在全美洲也是首屈一指的印刷設計師約翰・亨利・納許博士 翻譯無間合作上,所以這本書才能以最並世無雙且適得其所 翻譯情勢出書,印刷工藝的極致儘在此中。至於插圖數量和工藝質量增進,更是洛杉磯版刻公司的C.E・本森師長教師使這一點成為可能,他對本書的完成有無可抹滅的進獻。


以古代世界 翻譯神秘哲學系統為題的作品可謂浩如煙海,但生命的永恆真谛仍始終如同紅塵間那些最震古爍今 翻譯思惟家,經常以極不相稱的衣衫襤褸示人 翻譯社我所埋首的這份工作僅僅是在測驗考試去概述那些先賢與聖人,他們的思惟充分了本書 翻譯字裡行間 翻譯社為了企及如斯無與倫比的秀麗與真谛的共融需要相當竭心全力,但我相信只要能夠令讀者受益無限,那麼哪怕需要再多盡力也都無足掛齒。


May 28 翻譯公司1928

Work upon the text of this volume was begun the first day of January, 1926, and has continued almost uninterruptedly for over two years. The greater part of the research work 翻譯公司 however, was carried on prior to the writing of the manuscript. The collection of reference material was begun in 1921, and three years later the plans for the book took definite form. For the sake of clarity, all footnotes were eliminated, the various quotations and references to other authors being embodied in the text in their logical order. The bibliography is appended primarily to assist those interested in selecting for future study the most authoritative and important items dealing with philosophy and symbolism. To make readily accessible the abstruse information contained in the book 翻譯公司 an elaborate topical cross index is included.


Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings concealed within the Rituals 翻譯公司 Allegories, and Mysteries of all Ages

英文作為一門表達東西已算得上是相當雄厚,惟獨恰好缺少可以或許恰當顯現抽象哲學觀念的詞彙。對埋沒在不適當辭彙之內 翻譯奧妙意涵務必要有必然 翻譯直觀體會,這在理解古代神秘教義時斷不成少。




Los Angeles, California

I sincerely hope that each reader will profit from the perusal of this book, even as I have profited from the writing of it. The years of labor and thought expended upon it have meant much to me. The research work discovered to me many great truths; the writing of it discovered to me the laws of order and patience; the printing of it discovered to me new wonders of the arts and crafts; and the whole enterprise has discovered to me a multitude of friends whom otherwise I might never have known. And so 翻譯公司 in the words of John Bunyan:



一本概論共濟會、赫耳墨斯秘儀、卡巴拉還有玫瑰十字會等象徵主義哲學 翻譯百科全書


It down, until at last it came to be,

The pre-publication sale of this book has been without known precedent in book history. The subscription list for the first edition of 550 copies was entirely closed a year before the manuscript was placed in the printer's hands. The second 翻譯公司 or King Solomon, edition, consisting of 550 copies, and the third 翻譯公司 or Theosophical, edition 翻譯公司 consisting of 200 copies, were sold before the finished volume was received from the printer. For so ambitious a production, this constitutes a unique achievement. The credit for this extraordinary sales program belongs to Mrs. Maud F. Galigher, who had as her ideal not to sell the book in the commercial sense of the word but to place it in the hands of those particularly interested in the subject matter it contains. Valuable assistance in this respect was also rendered by numerous friends who had attended my lectures and who without compensation undertook and successfully accomplished the distribution of the book.




Manly P. Hall

NUMEROUS volumes have been written as commentaries upon the secret systems of philosophy existing in the ancient world, but the ageless truths of life 翻譯公司 like many of the earth's greatest thinkers, have usually been clothed in shabby garments. The present work is an attempt to supply a tome worthy of those seers and sages whose thoughts are the substance of its pages. To bring about this coalescence of Beauty and Truth has proved most costly, but I believe that the result will produce an effect upon the mind of the reader which will more than justify the expenditure.

Rich as the English language is in media of expression, it is curiously lacking in terms suitable to the conveyance of abstract philosophical premises. A certain intuitive grasp of the subtler meanings concealed within groups of inadequate words is necessary therefore to an understanding of the ancient Mystery Teachings.

最後,本作者真的要深深報答這數百名訂戶,正是因為有他們的預支款才令本書能夠為繼 翻譯社寫書過程當中 翻譯巨大開銷確切完全超出他所能及,而且那些願意預購本書的人除對本作者 翻譯信賴以外,再無任何擔保可以包管這筆生意業務不會有去無回。

The matter of translation was the greatest single task in the research work incident to the preparation of this volume. The necessary German translations, which required nearly three years, were generously undertaken by Mr. Alfred Beri, who declined all remuneration for his labor. The Latin 翻譯公司 Italian 翻譯公司 French, and Spanish translations were made by Prof. Homer P. Earle. The Hebrew text was edited by Rabbi Jacob M. Alkow. Miscellaneous short translations and checking also were done by various individuals.


I make no claim for either the infallibility or the originality of any statement herein contained. I have studied the fragmentary writings of the ancients sufficiently to realize that dogmatic utterances concerning their tenets are worse than foolhardy. Traditionalism is the curse of modern philosophy, particularly that of the European schools. While many of the statements contained in this treatise may appear at first wildly fantastic, I have sincerely endeavored to refrain from haphazard metaphysical speculation 翻譯公司 presenting the material as far as possible in the spirit rather than the letter of the original authors. By assuming responsibility only for the mistakes which may' appear herein, I hope to escape the accusation of plagiarism which has been directed against nearly every writer on the subject of mystical philosophy.


。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 

這本書採用的預售式發賣在賣書史上可謂前所未聞,初版印刷的550本乃至早在我動手把稿件放進打字機 翻譯一年前就已幾乎都被預購,再版 翻譯所羅門王版也印刷550本,第三版的神智學版有200本,它們都在打字機脫稿前就銷售一空。對於一個如斯費時辛苦的出書計劃而言,這可真是一個讓人驚艷的成績。但本書能這麼暢銷的幕後元勳其實屬於莫德・F・加萊夫人,她一反常態不以貿易體式格局推銷本書,反而是直接向那些會對書裡所涵蓋的主題有樂趣的人兜銷。加入過我 翻譯講座的朋友也是功不成沒,是他們無償且出色地促成了此書的銷路。


如此放言高論,如你所見 翻譯社



我絕不會誇口本身在書裡所陳述 翻譯內容確鑿不移或都是獨得之見 翻譯社我多少研究過ㄧ些前人的零星作品,光是如斯即足以使我認識到教條式地誇誇其談他們的學說是多麼愚不行及。傳統主義是現代哲學揮之不去的詛咒,這在歐洲的那些學院裡特別如斯。儘管本書要談論的內容初看之下興許會很是古怪,但我已極力避免作出天馬行空的形上學料想,並盡量還原原作者想要轉達的寄義而非字面上的浮淺。如如有任何舛訛百出的地方自然應當由我負責,希望這麼做能杜絕傳播鼓吹這些內容無非就是剽竊自各神秘哲學作家的悠悠之口 翻譯社

The entire theory of the book is diametrically opposed to the modern method of thinking, for it is concerned with subjects openly ridiculed by the sophists of the twentieth century. Its true purpose is to introduce the mind of the reader to a hypothesis of living wholly beyond the pale of materialistic theology 翻譯公司 philosophy, or science. The mass of abstruse material between its covers is not susceptible to perfect organization, but so far as possible related topics have been grouped together.


我沒有什麼標新立異 翻譯見解可以賣弄,也無意斷章取義那些原典來為先入為主的主張作證,至於對教義攪渾是非、好去和諧各式宗教哲學思想系統之間南轅北轍的差別這等事我更是不敢。


我在為本書進行研究工作時面對 翻譯最辣手 翻譯問題就屬翻譯。阿爾弗雷德・貝里師長教師慨然領諾地承當起費時三年的必要德文材料翻譯,並且還堅持分文不收。拉丁文、義大利文、法文還有西班牙文 翻譯翻譯是由哈默・P・埃爾傳授獨挑大樑,希伯來文本的部分則要歸功於雅各布・M・阿爾科拉比,還有其他人也接濟我完成了一些簡短的翻譯和檢閱校對。

Although the majority of the items in the bibliography are in my own library, I wish to acknowledge gratefully the assistance rendered by the Public Libraries of San Francisco and Los Angeles 翻譯公司 the libraries of the Scottish Rite in San Francisco and Los Angeles, the libraries of the University of California in Berkeley and Los Angeles, the Mechanics' Library in San Francisco, and the Krotona Theosophical Library at Ojai, California. Special recognition for their help is also due to the following persons: Mrs. Max Heindel 翻譯公司 Mrs. Alice Palmer Henderson, Mr. Ernest Dawson and staff 翻譯公司 Mr. John Howell, Mr. Paul Elder, Mr. Phillip Watson Hackett 翻譯公司 and Mr. John R. Ruckstell. Single books were lent by other persons and organizations 翻譯公司 to whom thanks are also given.



這本書 翻譯寫作始於1926年1月的第一天,並且我幾近就這麼筆耕不輟持續有兩年多 翻譯社儘管如斯,大部分的研究工作其實都早在著書立論之前便已停當。參考資料的彙編更可以追溯回1921年,本書的構思也是在差不多三年以後正式拍板定案。為便於浏覽,書中所有註解都已被改去,相幹引述與對其他作者的參考會井井有序地在文中列出。附錄的參考書目首要是供給給那些有志進一步研究那些非分特別主要 翻譯哲學與象徵主義觀念 翻譯讀者,並且本書也精心設計了主題索引好方便讀者浏覽艱澀的內容。


本書 翻譯整個理論皆與現代思惟方法背道而馳,因為這本著作在處置懲罰的乃是被20世紀的詭辯家公然調侃的主題。這本書真實的意圖僅是但願能引領讀者 翻譯思惟進入一種完全超脫傳統唯物主義、神話、哲學或科學的糊口假定。此中八門五花的深邃材料畢竟難以被十全十美地契合在一塊,不外我會盡力使之不致損於相幹主題之間的承先啓後 翻譯社

即使大部分參考書目收拾整頓都是憑藉自我本身的藏書,然則我仍然要深切感激舊金山和洛杉磯公共圖書館 翻譯激昂大方協助,同時還有這兩座城市的蘇格蘭禮藏書樓、加州大學伯克利分校和洛杉磯分校藏書樓、舊金山手藝藏書樓還有位於加州奧海鎮的克羅托納神智學藏書樓。另外,一樣有必要在這裡迥殊表揚的還有供給我無價幫助 翻譯這些恩人:馬克斯・韓德爾夫人、愛麗絲・帕默・亨德森夫人、約翰・哈威爾師長教師、保羅・艾德師長教師、菲利普・沃森・哈克特師長教師和約翰・R・羅克斯特先生。固然,本書得以付梓還要歸功於其他很多人與集團,在這裡一併致上謝意。


The editorial work was under the supervision of Dr. C. B. Rowlingson, through whose able efforts literary order was often brought out of literary chaos. Special recognition is also due the services rendered by Mr. Robert B. Tummonds, of the staff of H. S. Crocker Company 翻譯公司 Inc., to whom were assigned the technical difficulties of fitting the text matter into its allotted space. For much of the literary charm of the work I am also indebted to Mr. M. M. Saxton, to whom the entire manuscript was first dictated and to whom was also entrusted the preparation of the index. The splendid efforts of Mr. J. Augustus Knapp, the illustrator, have resulted in a series of color plates which add materially to the beauty and completeness of the work. Q The printing of the book was in the hands of Mr. Frederick E. Keast, of H. S. Crocker Company, Inc., whose great personal interest in the volume has been manifested by an untiring effort to improve the quality thereof Through the gracious cooperation of Dr. John Henry Nash, the foremost designer of printing on the American Continent 翻譯公司 the book appears in a unique and appropriate form 翻譯公司 embodying the finest elements of the printer's craft. An increase in the number of plates and also a finer quality of workmanship than was first contemplated have been made possible by Mr. C. E. Benson 翻譯公司 of the Los Angeles Engraving Company, who entered heart and soul into the production of this volume.

我由衷但願每一個讀者都能從本書中受益,即便是我本身在全部寫作過程中也是獲益很多。那些花費在這本書身上的勞動與思辯的歲月對我來講意義十分重大,這趟研究工作令我能夠挖掘許多偉大真谛;並且寫作自己亦練習我學會去把握工整與耐心,印刷的工作讓我對工藝美術的別致蹟大開眼界,還有整個寫書進程前前後後更使我得以結識很多伴侶 翻譯社所以,套約翰・班揚 翻譯話:



For length and breadth, the bigness which you see.


Having no particular ism of my own to promulgate 翻譯公司 I have not attempted to twist the original writings to substantiate preconceived notions, nor have I distorted doctrines in any effort to reconcile the irreconcilable differences present in the various systems of religio-philosophic thought.


I penned


解謎涵蓋儀式、寓言和諸時期之奧祕 翻譯從古到今詭秘教義


In conclusion, the author wishes to acknowledge gratefully his indebtedness to each one of the hundreds of subscribers through whose advance payments the publication of this folio was made possible. To undertake the enormous expense involved was entirely beyond his individual means and those who invested in the volume had no assurance of its production and no security other than their faith in the integrity of the writer.




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