
Qumran cave 4 in the Judean Desert, where ninety percent of the scrolls were found (public domain)

Noah’s Ark – Not Just a Biblical Story



掃瞄前 翻譯捲軸片段,裡面是關於審判日的內容。



Over 50 years ago翻譯社 a stone thrown by a Bedouin shepherd into a cave led to what some have called the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century. The Bedouin heard the stone crack open an earthenware jar. Upon investigating 翻譯公司 he found the first of what came to be known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. When all the scrolls and fragments were sorted out翻譯社 they accounted for about 800 manuscripts. About one quarter翻譯社 or just over 200 manuscripts, are copies of portions of the Hebrew Bible text.




Dead Seas Scrolls Reveal that Noah's Ark Was Shaped Like a Pyramid

不久之前,對《死海古卷》的最新資料數字化解讀泄露出了,諾亞方舟的模樣其實與人們既往所想像的有一些不合翻譯這份擁有2000多年歷史之久的文獻或許證實了諾亞方舟現實上是金字塔形的 翻譯社

The Dead Sea Scrolls contain information about many controversial and fascinating topics from the past, the story of Noah and the legendary flood being just one of them. Christos Djonis, guest author of Ancient Origins翻譯社 explained in his articles ''Evidence of The Great Flood – Real or a Myth? ''(part 1 and part 2), that the story of Noah is not just a Biblical account:

其中一個鑲板(左側最上面第二個)勾勒出了諾亞 翻譯生平,迥殊是大洪水後諾亞在上帝 翻譯攙扶幫助下重返陸地的場景翻譯怪 翻譯是,方舟在這裡卻被刻畫成一座金字塔。

Only after 7000 BC when the ocean levels finally began stabilizing, human life once more began to return to normal. Coastal sites no longer had to be abandoned for higher ground, at least for the most part 翻譯公司 and between 6000 BC and 5000 BC, once more翻譯社 we begin to see signs of human activity closer to the sea. Is it a mere coincidence that our “recorded” history happens to start around this time? Is it true that early humans were too primitive to leave traces of their existence behind, or the early pages of our history were “washed away” by the Great Flood of the last ice age? After all, it seems that as soon as the adverse climatic conditions receded, it did not take long for humans to thrive once again. ''

資料數字化帶來 翻譯別的一個發現是《聖經》中有一個鄰接著兩個片斷 翻譯令人摸不著頭緒的單詞終於得以內情畢露。學院院長摩西・巴爾・阿舍曾指出:



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