
We're still talking everyday / 以前我們對彼此都侃侃而談
I'm running out of things to say to ya / 但此刻卻無言相對
What's really gonna break my heart / 真正讓我肉痛的
Is to have to tell your little brother / 是要將實情告知你的兄弟

It might be easier to stay / 假設你留下 任何事情得簡單
But it'll never be the same, no ohh no / 但事過境遷 早已回不去
And if something doesn't change / 借使倘使一切都不改變的話
Then we'll keep on sinking further / 我們也只會越飄越遠

We'll play the songs we used to love / 播著過去我們都愛的歌
While we try to fall in love again / 試著回溫過往
We don't know who's wrong or right / 不知道誰對誰錯
We don't even care enough to fight / 不知長短的相互責罵
We're going through the motions / 情緒隨著時間遊走
Cause we can't fix what's broken / 傷痕早已劃下 現在也沒法填補
And I know it's gonna hurt / 鉦昱翻譯社知道 這只會危險彼此
But darling I'll go first / 但寶貝 鉦昱翻譯社會在前方領著妳
Cause I won't keep on saying those three empty words / 因為鉦昱翻譯社不會再說那傷感情的三個字
No翻譯社 I won't keep on saying those three empty words / 別再逼鉦昱翻譯社 我說不出口

We going through motions / 種種情緒飄過面前
Cause we can't fix what's broken, no / 但我們卻回不去過往的榮華
And I know it's gonna hurt / 這些也只會傷感情
But darling I'll go first / 但親愛的 我會先走一步
I won't keep on saying those three empty words / 但我不會再說那三個字
We don't have to keeping on saying those three empty words / 翻譯公司我心裡都明白 
No I can't keep on saying those three empty words / 那三個字滿是假話而已


曲風都很溫順翻譯社 但歌詞倒是有憂愁的味道


Ohh, we're going through the motions / 情感溢出腦海 回想向我招手
Cause we can't fix what's broken / 方式用盡 傷痕沒法修補
And I know it's gonna hurt / 情傷之痛深之入隨
But darling I'll go first / 別擔憂 我會走在前方牽著你
Cause I won't keep on saying those three empty words / 但我卻說不出口那三個字
Those three empty words / 這些不過是無心之語
Will only make it worse / 只會讓情形變得更糟而已
I'm tired, I can't take it anymore / 我累了 沒法再承受謠言
Those three empty words / 這三個字全是空心謊言
Will only make it worse / 我們原想彌補過去 卻是越演越糟
We tired翻譯社 we can't take it anymore / 鉦昱翻譯社們都累了 無法再接受謊言的侵蝕

翻譯by 賽特斯泰爾

shawn mendes illuminate three empty words

I'll pick you up at the same time / 再一次 鉦昱翻譯社翻譯公司上路
At the same place, the same old drive / 一樣的目標 猶如過往的兜風
We'll just talk about our day / 我們隨意聊聊彼此的一天
To try to fill the awkward space tonight / 試著將錯誤彌補

引用自: http://a849194.pixnet.net/blog/post/331171487-%E2%97%81illuminate%E2%97%81-shawn-mendes---three-empt有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢鉦昱翻譯社


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